polycet solved previous qp 2020

Maths polycet solved previous qp 2020- || Solved Papers

polycet solved previous qp 2020 TS Polycet || Solved Previous Question Papers 2020 Math


polycet solved previous qp 2020

polycet solved previous qp 2020

The State Board of Technical Education and Training (SBTET), Telangana, Hyderabad will conduct “Polytechnic Common Entrance Test (POLYCET)” for the candidates seeking admission in to all Diploma Courses in Engineering /Non Engineering Technology.

The Main Subjects in this Exam are Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Here we are providing Previous Maths  Papers Questions and Solutions.

The syllabus of  Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology for POLYCET-2022 is the same as that of SSC Examination conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Telangana.

TS Polycet || Solved Previous Question Papers 2021 Mathematics gives an idea becuase,  it is very helpful to solve the problems in POLYCET entence  examination



TS VI – IX Maths Concepts

polycet solved previous qp 2020


Chapter 1: Real Numbers

1.If 7 divides a2 then

a2  ను 7 భాగించినచో

   (1)  7 divides a (a ను 7 భాగిస్తుంది)

   (2) 7 divides TS POLYCET 2020 - Real Numbers 1 ( TS POLYCET 2020 - Real Numbers 1ను 7 భాగిస్తుంది)

  (3) a divide 7 (7 ను a భాగిస్తుంది)

  (4) none (ఏదీ కాదు)  

Answer:  (1)     

2. In the formula TS POLYCET 2020 - Real Numbers 2, which of the following is true?

    TS POLYCET 2020 - Real Numbers 2అయిన, ఈ క్రింది వాటిలో ఏది సత్యము.

    (1)  x > 0, y > 0, a = 1       

    (2) x < 0, y < 0, a = 1  

    (3)  a > 0, y > 0, x = 1       

    (4) x > 0, y > 0, a ≠ 1                                    

Answer:   (4)      


3. 5 =____________
  TS POLYCET 2020 - Real Numbers 3

Answer:   (3)             


4. TS POLYCET 2020 - Real Numbers 5 then x =
      TS POLYCET 2020 - Real Numbers 5అయిన,  x =
     (1) n                   (2) 1                          
     (3)  5                  (4) 2    

Answer:    (4)        


5. TS POLYCET 2020 - Real Numbers 10 , ac = ___
   TS POLYCET 2020 - Real Numbers 10అయిన, ac = ___
   (1)a2         (2)b2                                 
   (3) c2       (4) None(ఏది కాదు)

Answer:    (2)         


TS 10th class maths concept (E/M)

TS 6th Class Maths Concept

TS 10th Class Maths Concept (T/M)

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Chapter 2: Sets

1.Cardinal number of set A = {P, O, L, Y, T, E, C, H, N, I, Q} , B = {P, O, L, Y, C, E, T, 2020}, then B – A =

 A = {P, O, L, Y, T, E, C, H, N, I, Q} , B = {P, O, L, Y, C, E, T, 2020}, అయిన B – A =

 (1)  {20}   

 (2) {2020}                         

 (3) {40}           

 (4) none (ఏది కాదు)

Answer:   (2)         


2. If A = {a} and B = {a, b} , C =  {a, b, c}, then A ∩ B ∩ C  =

A = {a} and B = {a, b} , C =  {a, b, c}, అయిన A ∩ B ∩ C  =

   (1) {a}                  (2)  {b}   

   (3) {c}                  (4) {2021}

Answer:   (1)       



Ts Inter Maths IA Concept

TS 10th class maths concept (E/M)

TS 6th Class Maths Concept

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Chapter 3: Polynomials

1. Product of the polynomials (x3 – 8), (x – 8) is denoted by p(x) = ax4 + bx3 + c x2 + dx +e, then p (8) =
     (x3 – 8), (x – 8) అను బహుపదుల లబ్దము   p(x) = ax4 + bx3 + c x2 + dx +e అయిన, p (8) =
 (1)  0                   (2) 1            
 (3) 2                    (4) 3

Answer: (1)      


2. If α, β are the zeroes of  x2 – 1 , α + β =
      α, β లు   x2 – 1అనే వర్గ బహుపదికి శూన్యాలు అయితే α + β విలువ?
    (1) 0                   (2)  1                       
    (3) – 1                (4)  2

Answer:   (1)


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Chapter 4: Linear equations in Two Variables


1.For the equation 2019x + 2020y = 4040, when x= 0 the value of y =
    2019x + 2020y = 4040 అను సమీకరణమునకు x= 0 అయిన, y విలువ
  (1) 2020           (2) 2019                     
   (3) 4                (4) 2           


Answer: (4)


2. Solution of the equations 7x + 5y = 12 and 5x – 7y = – 2, not equal to
     7x + 5y = 12 మరియు 5x – 7y = – 2 సమీకరణాల సాధన ఈ క్రిది వానీలో దేనికి సమాన కాదు
TS POLYCET 2020 - Linear equations in 2 variables 1

Answer:   (1)


3. If TS POLYCET 2020 - Linear equations in 2 variables 2 then (x, y) =

  TS POLYCET 2020 - Linear equations in 2 variables 3 అయిన,(x, y) =

(1) (2019, 2020)         (2) (2020, 2019)

(3)  (2019, 2019)       (4) (2020, 2020)

Answer:   (1)


4. If (5, 2) is the solution 2x + 3y = 20, ax – by = 0, the (a, b) =
    2x + 3y = 20, ax – by = 0 ల సాధన (5, 2) అయిన (a, b) =  
     (1) (2, 5)                         (2) (5, 2)                            
     (3) (– 2, 5)                   (4) (– 5, 2)   

Answer: (1)                          


5. If the system of equations x – y = 1 and ax + y = 2 has unique solution then
      జత సమీకరణాలకు x – y = 1, ax + y = 2 లకు ఏకైక సాధన ఉంటే
     (1) a = 1                        (2) a = – 1                           
     (3) a ≠ 1                        (4)  a ≠– 1

Answer:   (4)                        


6. x + y = TS POLYCET 2020 - Linear equations in 2 variables 6 , x – y = 0, then x =
    x + y =TS POLYCET 2020 - Linear equations in 2 variables 6 , x – y = 0, అయిన x =
TS POLYCET 2020 - Linear equations in 2 variables 8

Answer:   (3)                        


TS 6th Class Maths Concept

TS 10th class maths concept (E/M)

Ts Inter Maths IA Concept

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Chapter 5: Quadratic Equations

1.If the roots of 2x2 + kx + 3 = 0 are real and equal, then k =

    2x2 + kx + 3 = 0 యొక్క మూలాలు వాస్తవాలు మరియు సమానాలు అయిన k విలువ =

  (1)± 6 TS POLYCET 2020 - Quadratic Equations 1                      (2) ± 4                   

  (2)± 2 TS POLYCET 2020 - Quadratic Equations 2                      (4) ± 5

Answer: (3)                                            


2. 8x2 – 6x – 9 = 0= ______

  (1)(2x – 3) (x – 3)         (2) (2x – 3) (x +1)                              

  (3) (2x + 1) (x – 1)            (4) (2x – 3) (4x + 3)                              

    Answer:     (4)                               


4. Roots of  5x2 – 8x = 4 are  

    5x2 – 8x = 4   యొక్క మూలాలు

(1) 2, TS POLYCET 2020 - Quadratic Equations 9                           (2) 1,TS POLYCET 2020 - Quadratic Equations 10

(3)   2, TS POLYCET 2020 - Quadratic Equations 11                               (4) 2, 7

Answer:   (1)



TS 6th Class Maths Concept

TS 10th class maths concept (E/M)

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Chapter 6: Progressions

1. 1, -1/2, 1/4…. Are in G.P, then find 8th term

     1, -1/2, 1/4….  అనే గుణ శ్రేడిలోని ఎనిమిదవ పదం

   (1) 1/128                    (2) 1/64                       

  (3) – 1/128                 (4) –1/64

Answer:    (3)


2. 4, 7, 10… are in AP, the sum 15 terms is____

    4, 7, 10… A.P లో ఉన్నచో 15 పదాల మొత్తం ____

    (1) 385                   (2) 475

    (3)  375                   (4) 325

Answer:   (3)


3. 10th term of AP: 13, 8, 3, – 2, …. is

13, 8, 3, – 2, …. అను అంకశ్రేడిలోని 10 వ పదం

(1) – 32                  (2) – 23                 

(3) 30                       (4) – 30

Answer:   (1)


4. Which term of GP: TS POLYCET 2020 - Progressions 2 is 729?

    TS POLYCET 2020 - Progressions 2అనే గుణ శ్రేడిలో  729 ఎన్నవ పదం?

   (1) 10             (2) 12                         

  (3) 14               (4) 16

Answer:  (2) 


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Chapter 7: Coordinater Geometry


1.If the slope of the line through (2, – 7) and (x, 5) is 3 then x =_________

       (2, – 7), (x, 5) ల గుండా పోవు రేఖ వాలు 3 అయిన x యొక్క విలువ _____

    (1) 4                 (2) 5                

    (3) 6                   (4) 7

   Answer:  (3)                 


2. If (8, 1), (k, – 4), (2, – 5) are collinear, then k = ______

     (8, 1), (k, – 4), (2, – 5) లు సరేఖీయాలైన k యొక్క విలువ ______

    (1) 4                   (2) 3                     

     (3) 2                      (4) 1            

Answer:   (2)            


3. The point (2, – 3) divides the line segment joining the points (– 1, 3), (4, – 7) in the ratio__

(– 1, 3), (4, – 7) బిందువులతో ఏర్పడు రేఖా ఖండాన్ని (2, – 3) బిందువు విభజించు నిష్పత్తి___

     (1) 3: 2              (2) 2 : 3                          

      (3) 8 : 1                         (4) 1 : 4

Answer:   (1)


4. The centroid of the triangle whose vertices are (3, – 5), (–7, 4), (10, –2) is

     (3, – 5), (–7, 4), (10, –2) లు శీర్శాలుగా గల త్రిభుజం యొక్క గురుత్వ కేంద్రం____

     (1) (1, 1)                  (2) (1, – 2)

     (3) (–2, 1)               (4) (2, –1)                                  

Answer:  (4)


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